Monday, February 20, 2012

Master Transaction Log backup fails


Okay. I changed the times that the transaction logs are backed up, via the built in maintenance schedule. It was then that I started to get failures only on the Transaction log backup for the master. The error that I get from the history log is Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored. If I look in the file that is saved to disk :

Starting maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:00
Backup can not be performed on database 'master'. This sub task is ignored.

[1] Database onyx: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: [R:\BACKUP\onyx\onyx_tlog_200411090230.TRN]

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 23 secs **

[2] Database onyx: Verifying Backup...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:31
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

I changed the backup back to its original time as this was the only change made. This has not resolved the problem. As I am new to SQL and still finding my feet All the other SQL maintenance plans that I changed are working fine.


SteveCheck to make sure the database isnt in simple recovery mode. This would make transaction log backups fail. By default you cannot do a transaction log backup on the master database.
If you dont know how to check, do the following:
1. Right click the master database and click properties.
2. Click on the options tab.
3. Make sure recovery mode is set to full if you want to backup the transaction log.

-Mike|||The transaction log for the master database can not be backed up, or restored. You should do FULL backups of the master database, but transaction backups will not work.|||Actually, yes, you are correct. I dont know why I didnt remember this. Just do full backups instead of transaction log backups. The master database is usually very small so backups dont take a lot of disk space and full backups are much easier to restore.

-Mike|||No shame in that, Mike. I actually had a Microsoft technician tell me to put tempdb in Full Recovery mode, once. I don't know if he still works in the SQL Server group, anymore.|||;) Gents,

Thank youi for your help. I have looked into the issue and have submitted a few concerns to my management.

Many thanks

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