Monday, February 20, 2012


What is the SQL Server 2005 version of:
Apparently, this sp does not exist in 2005 - and causes our job to
Thank youxp_smtp_sendmail is from a third party provider (kind of) at
So won't find that extended stored procedure built
into SQL Server 2005. The closest thing in 2005 is using DB
Mail and using sp_send_dbmail.
On 6 Sep 2006 14:19:17 -0700, wrote:

>What is the SQL Server 2005 version of:
>Apparently, this sp does not exist in 2005 - and causes our job to
>Thank you|||<DIV><> wrote in message</DIV>> Hi,
> What is the SQL Server 2005 version of:
> 'master..xp_smtp_SendMail'.
> Apparently, this sp does not exist in 2005 - and causes our job to
> fail.
> Thank you
Database Mail
David|||If you want to use master..xp_smtp_SendMail in SQL 2005, you'll have to
recreate it from scratch as this is a custom built sp by someone on
SQLDev.Net. You can use the 2000 .dlls (I did it myself) but you'll have to
save them in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn for it to wor
Big note here. If you switch from this to DBMail, read the instructions for
DBMail VERY CAREFULLY. You'll have to make changes to the variable names.
I.E., instead of @.TO, DBMail uses @.Recipients. If you don't change
everything over, your job will still fail.
Hope this helps.
Random Thoughts: If a person is Microsoft Certified, does that mean that
Microsoft pays the bills for the funny white jackets that tie in the back?
"" wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the SQL Server 2005 version of:
> 'master..xp_smtp_SendMail'.
> Apparently, this sp does not exist in 2005 - and causes our job to
> fail.
> Thank you
>||| wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the SQL Server 2005 version of:
> 'master..xp_smtp_SendMail'.
> Apparently, this sp does not exist in 2005 - and causes our job to
> fail.
> Thank you
That is a third-party utility that allows SQL 2000 to send mail through
an SMTP server. It's no longer needed in SQL 2005, as the built-in
DBMail capability can do the same thing. Be sure to read the
documentation on DBMail.
Tracy McKibben

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