Saturday, February 25, 2012

Matching Names

Hi All,
I have a table with two columns that I want to match but am unsure of
how to.
The Columns are called "User_Name" and Managed_By" the user_name is
entered as "Fred Flintstone" while the Managed_By is entered are
"Flintstone, Fred".
To the human eye you can see that they are the same person but how can
i do that match in SQL?
I am using a SQL 2000 server
Here are 5 rows of data that I am trying to match from my table, there
are other columns in the table such as Row_Date, Acc_No
What I want to do is bring back all of the rows where the managed_by is
equal to the user_name
Sample Data>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Managed_By User_Name
Ward, Kimberley Kimberley Ward
Pinder, Louise Rachel Brooks
Services, Credit Rob Mackey
Hatfield, Rebecca Joanne Fixter
Hatfield, Rebecca Rebecca HatfieldTry,
use northwind
declare @.t table (
Managed_By varchar(50),
[User_Name] varchar(50)
insert into @.t values('Ward, Kimberley', 'Kimberley Ward')
insert into @.t values('Pinder, Louise', 'Rachel Brooks')
insert into @.t values('Services, Credit', 'Rob Mackey')
insert into @.t values('Hatfield, Rebecca', 'Joanne Fixter')
insert into @.t values('Hatfield, Rebecca', 'Rebecca Hatfield')
@.t as a
[User_Name] = parsename(replace(Managed_By, ', ', '.'), 1) + ' ' +
parsename(replace(Managed_By, ', ', '.'), 2)
"Sh0t2bts" wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a table with two columns that I want to match but am unsure of
> how to.
> The Columns are called "User_Name" and Managed_By" the user_name is
> entered as "Fred Flintstone" while the Managed_By is entered are
> "Flintstone, Fred".
> To the human eye you can see that they are the same person but how can
> i do that match in SQL?
> I am using a SQL 2000 server
> Here are 5 rows of data that I am trying to match from my table, there
> are other columns in the table such as Row_Date, Acc_No
> What I want to do is bring back all of the rows where the managed_by is
> equal to the user_name
> Thanks
> Mark
> Sample Data>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Managed_By User_Name
> Ward, Kimberley Kimberley Ward
> Pinder, Louise Rachel Brooks
> Services, Credit Rob Mackey
> Hatfield, Rebecca Joanne Fixter
> Hatfield, Rebecca Rebecca Hatfield

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