Monday, February 20, 2012

master with two detail views

Hello community,

I think my problem is easy to solve even though I did not find a solution through different tutorials and help pages. Here it is (select statements are hier simplified):

In the gridview "GridView1" I have a master record with person_id, which is the data-key-value. There is also another id-field named task_id (This record comes from a database view which joins the persons- and the tasks- table)

SelectCommand="SELECT [id], [person_id], [task_id] FROM [ViewPersonTasks] WHERE ([id]"

For both fields I want to display details in two different detail-views. One for the person (depending on person_id) and one for the tasks (depending on the task_id).

The first one is easy. I declare a details-view for the person data based on a SqlDataSource with a control-parameter like this:

SelectCommand="SELECT [person_id], [first_name], [last_name], [birth_date] FROM [TabPersons] WHERE ([person_id] = @.person_id)"


<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="person_id" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" />

But now the problem: how should I declare a parameter @.task_id for the task_id, so that the second select statement for the tasks-details-view retrievs the data for the tasks:

SelectCommand="SELECT [task_id], [task_name],[task_date], [task_description] FROM [TabTasks] WHERE ([task_id] =@.task_id)"

@.task_id should have the value from the task_id-field of the master record, displayd in the master grid-view.

Thank you in advance for your help


I found the solution on my own.

Within the properties of the gridview with the master records the property "datakeyname" must contain both keys: person_id;task_id

And in the second details datasource the task_id can be referenced as the second (index) within the selecteddatakey-collection in a select/control paramter like this:

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="task_id" PropertyName="SelectedDataKey(1)" />

Perhaps this may help someone else here.



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